C. O. Weise GmbH & Co. KG

Ladders, customized aluminium structures and scaffoldings in Harbor of Dortmund.

For over 125 years the company C. O. Weise is known for ladders in Dortmund. Started as a pure trading company for wooden ladders, today we produce aluminum ladders for private and industrial use as well. In our own aluminum manufacture, we also produce customized products from the maintenance stage to a staircase for access to ships with different heights.

Other business areas are “classic” and “heavy” scaffolding. In particular, as a specialist for supporting structures of bridge constructions, the company is also active in other European countries.


scaffolding, ladders, aluminum structures, heavy scaffolding


C. O. Weise GmbH & Co. KG
Deusener Straße 59
44369 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231 31 50 3 - 0
Fax: +49 231 31 50 3 - 15
E-Mail: info(at)coweise.de

Verein Dortmunder Hafenanlieger e. V. · Speicherstraße 56 · 44147 Dortmund · +49 231 8285-45 Impress | Data privacy

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